On the Minister’s Mind

by Rev. Laine Morgan

I am in the middle of some big changes unfolding on my life path.  Where I currently stand, my perspective does not allow me to see what is beyond the curve of the next few months.  I have moments of uncertainty, followed by moments of great resolve and courage.  My human personality grabs control of the steering wheel and I want a map to read, then I surrender to the wisdom of my soul and the depth of my faith that all will be revealed in divine timing.  With my soul in charge, I can simply move forward.

I have been here so many times before because I am constantly seeking an expansive life.  Haven’t we all? 

Guess what!?  The entire world is in the middle of big changes unfolding too!  From where we currently stand, our perspective does not allow us to see beyond the curve that is immediately before us.  Of course, we have times of uncertainty because our frail human selves want to know that everything will be okay, but our spiritual souls know that there is only wholeness contained in every moment, and that we are connected to something much bigger than just this human experience, therefore everything IS okay.  Faith over fear is required all the time. 

Returning to the awareness of our connection to something bigger is the purpose of spiritual practice.  As I face each day, I remind myself that I am a spiritual being, a channel through which all good flows, all love flows, all abundance flows, all peace flows.  I stand in that awareness, and I make the decisions that need to be made daily - based on faith, not fear.

The Danish theologian and philosopher, Soren Kierkegaard, wrote – “Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.  Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.  To dare is to lose one’s footing momentarily.”

My footing may not always be sure, but I know that when I look back on this time, at some point in the future, I will have greater understanding that I cannot have now.  Faith tells me that the road rises to meet me, but I must keep moving forward.  Change is the only constant in life, and I trust that someday I will understand all of it!  And, you will too.


Celebrate Yourself


On the Minister’s Mind