On the Minister's Mind

As I was headed to bed last night, I was thinking about the events of the past week and fear swept across my heart.  “What am I afraid of?” – I asked myself. The only answer that came to me was that I feared that my beloved life might change or be threatened by events and decisions happening way beyond my control.

I received a quote by Ernest Holmes in an email yesterday, and as I remembered it, I knew what I had to do. He said, “Let us learn to practice faith until all fear disappears.”  I needed to practice faith in this moment, and for the rest of my days, I needed to practice faith!

My faith tells me that I co-create my life, and that I have way more power to influence the quality of my day than anyone or anything else on the planet. No politician, no angry person, no news article, really nothing can move me off my center unless I allow it or choose it. But I must practice that faith every day if I am going to address the big and small fears that sweep across my heart.

I may have a preference as to how things turn out and how events unfold, but even if things don’t go the way I prefer, I am largely in control as to the impact the things, spilling over from outside my “hula hoop” of influence, have in my realm of personal experience. What I send out into the world as thoughts, reactions, words and choices have greater impact on the quality of my life than anything anyone or anything else beyond my hula hoop.

So, how do I practice faith? First, I remind myself that there are things I can control, and things I cannot control, and I affirm my belief in my ability to know what things fall into which category. (I think there is a well-known prayer I can recite if I forget!)

Second, I affirm that there is a Power in the Universe for good, and that I can use it and it can use me. God is everywhere present and shows up as love and order in all things, despite any appearances otherwise. The practice is to remind myself of this truth every day, especially in any moment of fear, and look for the evidence of love and order until I find it.

Third, I make choices that reflect my spiritual faith. I use my one voice, my one vote, my one life to affirm Oneness, compassion, generosity and love. And I remember that everyone else has only one of those things too. My power is determined by my ability to choose wisely and not give that power away.

And, lastly, I must live in a way that makes a difference to myself and anyone whose life I touch. I control the gifts I give, but not how they are received. Likewise, I control how I receive anything offered to me by anyone or anything else…including the news.

Let’s practice our faith together!


On the Minister's Mind


On the Minister's Mind