On the Minister's Mind

I bet you could identify several things going on in your life right now that you wish would end or change.  Am I right?  Everyone’s list would be different but yours could include things like a challenging situation between you and another person, a physical ailment, a difficult work project, boredom with a repetitive task, debt, a global issue or even loneliness. 

Maybe you have tried many strategies to bring the thing to an end, but it stubbornly persists and continues to show up day after day. You may wonder why you cannot find relief.

Pema Chodron, the American Buddhist nun and spiritual wisdom teacher, wrote this -"Nothing ever goes away until it has taught us what we need to know."

We are in our magic suits here on Earth to grow and learn, and nothing teaches quite like a difficult assignment. We were introduced to that truth back in school when the good teachers challenged us and we proudly earned our grades.  We continue to face this as our life lessons reveal themselves in adulthood. Unfortunately, many of us try to avoid the hard stuff and take the easiest path possible. 

This is sort of like repeating the third grade over and over – the days are easier but you’re not learning very much! And, much like repeating a grade level again, you keep coming around to the same lessons, perhaps with slightly different circumstances, but nonetheless, the same personal challenge. If you notice these types of patterns, it is a clear sign that you haven’t quite learned what is required to move on.

Sometimes our challenges show up to have us practice our endurance and patience. Perhaps you are learning more about your ability to handle a wide range of emotions. Maybe it is time for you to accept that your physical body is temporary and sharpen your connection to other spiritual gifts that are eternal. Often, we are learning how to find love and compassion in a relationship that feels far from easy, and almost all lessons are about exploring deeper self-love and understanding. What do you need to learn right now?

Go into silent solitude and ask your soul to reveal the lessons included in your individual challenge, or your part in a global challenge. Then listen to the inner nudges to try new things, read certain books, make changes and seek help.  Our souls always know what to do, but we must give them a chance to inform us. When we learn individually, the human race learns collectively.

“This too shall pass”, but not until you do your work. It’s what we are here for after all.


On the Minister's Mind